Ferrara Scuola Spagnola
Ferrara Scuola Spagnola
Repertorio liturgico
"Scuola Spagnola" was located in via Vittoria in Ferrara. It was active from the XVI century onwards, until its interiors were destroyed by fascists during the Shoah. It is now permanently closed.
From the Ghetto period until 1915, the three rituals were regularly officiated in their respective scuole in Ferrara: rito Italiano, rito Tedesco, rito Spagnolo. In the period between the two world wars, as the numbers of congegrants had diminished, mainly because of spontaneous movement of Jewish families to larger cities, only one minyan was regularly held in Ferrara, moving cyclically through the three synagogues for Shabbatot and festivals (and in a fourth, small one, formerly private or for congregational use, the "scuola Fanese", for weekday minyanim); the ritual would follow, in those years, the minhag of the synagogue it was currently held in. After the Shoah rito Spagnolo and rito Tedesco were formally abandoned and only rito Italiano was used, first in Scuola Italiana, then later on as the mnumbers continued to diminish, in Scuola Tedesca for major festivals and in scuola Fanese for normal Shabbatot.
From the Ghetto period until 1915, the three rituals were regularly officiated in their respective scuole in Ferrara: rito Italiano, rito Tedesco, rito Spagnolo. In the period between the two world wars, as the numbers of congegrants had diminished, mainly because of spontaneous movement of Jewish families to larger cities, only one minyan was regularly held in Ferrara, moving cyclically through the three synagogues for Shabbatot and festivals (and in a fourth, small one, formerly private or for congregational use, the "scuola Fanese", for weekday minyanim); the ritual would follow, in those years, the minhag of the synagogue it was currently held in. After the Shoah rito Spagnolo and rito Tedesco were formally abandoned and only rito Italiano was used, first in Scuola Italiana, then later on as the mnumbers continued to diminish, in Scuola Tedesca for major festivals and in scuola Fanese for normal Shabbatot.

Item Relations
Item: Tzur Mishelo Akhalnu 2 - Angelina Rocca, Ferrara | Is Part Of | This Item |
Item: Tzur Mishelo Akhalnu 1 - Angelina Rocca, Ferrara | Is Part Of | This Item |
Item: Menuchah wesimchah - Angelina Rocca, Ferrara | Is Part Of | This Item |
Item: Mah yedidut menuchatekha - Angelina Rocca, Ferrara | Is Part Of | This Item |
Item: Shalom 'aleikhem - Angelina Rocca, Ferrara | Is Part Of | This Item |
Item: Halleluyah - Angelina Rocca, Ferrara | Is Part Of | This Item |
Item: Eshet chayil - Angelina Rocca, Ferrara | Is Part Of | This Item |
Item: Chad gadya - Angelina Rocca, Ferrara | Is Part Of | This Item |
Item: Adir hu - Angelina Rocca, Ferrara | Is Part Of | This Item |
Item: Qiddush for Friday night - Angelo Congeliano, Ferrara | Is Part Of | This Item |
Item: Adon 'olam - Angelo Conegliano, Ferrara | Is Part Of | This Item |
Item: Yigdal - Giorgio Anau, Ferrara | Is Part Of | This Item |
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“Ferrara Scuola Spagnola,” Thesaurus of Jewish-Italian Liturgical Music, accessed March 14, 2025, https://jewishitalianmusic.org/thesaurus/items/show/1477.