Browse Collections (44 total)

Leo Levi - Reggio Emilia

In 1955 Leo Levi writes: "I discovered residual traces of the Italian rite in Padua, Ancona, Ferrara and Florence, through a series of interviews with…

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New Minhagim - Roma

Material pertaining to the Lybian rite as in use in synagogues in Rome after the arrival of Lybian Jewish refugees in the second half of the XX…

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Carlo Schoenheit detto Carluccio

recordings of the Ferrara ritual made by chazan Carlo Schoenheit

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Tempio Bet El

recordings from the Tripolino rite synagogue in via Padova, Rome

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Federico Benadì - Firenze

salmo di pesach.mp3

recordings made privately by Federico Benadì (1924-2022)

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Comunità Ebraica di Firenze


The material here collected comes from the Florence JC archive, excluding material present in other collections (i.e. Leo Levi recordings, material…

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Rabbi Bruno Gheresom Polacco

Rabbi Bruno Pellegrino Polacco (פולאקו, גרשם בן אברהם) was born in Cesenatico, a port town with about 26,000 inhabitants on the Adriatic coast of…

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Raffaele Grassini

Born in Venice on 23 February 1952, Raffaele Grassini studied at the the Collegio Rabbinico italiano where he obtained the rabbinical degree in 1973.…

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Leo Levi - Siena

In the Raccolta Levi, 14 items pertain to the Siena repertoire, recorded in Turin on September 9, 1956 form the voice of Geremia Mario Castelnuovo.

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Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi - Venezia

La Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi per gli studi musicali onlus è stata istituita nel 1962 con atto di donazione di Ugo Levi in omaggio alla volontà…

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Cincinnati - Hebrew Union College Library (Birnbaum Collection)

hallel 32 garzia.pdf

Eduard Birnbaum Music Collection at Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati. Digitized images reproduced here by permission; please refer to this link for…

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Archivio della Comunità Ebraica di Mantova

The archive holds materials dating back to 1522. The most important book items of the archive are now part of Biblioteca comunale Teresiana di Mantova…

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Umberto Hizkiyahu Genazzani (Nitzani)

Included in the collection a set of recordings made in July of 1956 by Leo Levi in Firenze, recording melodies for festival days and days of awe from…

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Elia Richetti, Tisha beAv

Rabbi Elia Richetti recorded a set of qinnot for the liturgy of the fast of Tisha beAv, mainly from the repertoire of Venice but with incursions - as…

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Federico Consolo, "Libro dei Canti d'Israele"

Included in this collection are the transcriptions published by Federico Consolo in 1892 in Florence in the book "Libro dei Canti d'Israele - antichi…

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Biblioteca-Archivio "Renato Maestro" - Venezia

Biblioteca-Archivio "Renato Maestro" of the Jewish Community of Venice was established in the mid-1980s. In additional to a number of books dating…

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Leo Levi - Ferrara

Leo Levi recorded Ferrara material in various sessions: in 1954 in Venice, from the voice of rabbi Leone Leoni; in 1956 from rabbi Angelo Conegliano,…

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Ferrara, Giuseppe Bassani

et shaarey ratzon bassani ita.pdf

As is well known, A. Z. Idelsohn had devoted little part of his monumental endeavors to Italian Jewish musical traditions, when he started writing to…

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Firenze, rav Belgrado

Rabbi Fernando Belgrado left a wealth of recordings, some of which included in Leo Levi's collection. His personal charisma and his voice have had a…

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