Yah shimkhah - Salomone Ottolenghi, Reggio Emilia


Yah shimkhah - Salomone Ottolenghi, Reggio Emilia



Text Incipit



Place in liturgical year

Text source, form or category

NLI call and system number

Y 00159(07)


NLI url

Santa Cecilia collection number, item number

raccolta 52, 659

Santa Cecilia url

Catalogo Sommario delle Registrazioni

raccolta 52, 608

Place of original recording

Date of original recording

Person responsible for the recording


Notes on recording

See Santa Cecilia: recording was made in 1954 by Prof. Marzi with a 'wire recorder' (Webster).

In fact, in 1955 Leo Levi writes: "I discovered residual traces of the Italian rite in Padua, Ancona, Ferrara and Florence, through a series of interviews with elderly members of these communities. In Reggio Emilia I was not able to record the last cantor of the Ottolenghi ‘dynasty’. But I had the benefit of previous recordings thanks to the help of Dr. Marzi, a professor of Byzantine music in Cremona." (see https://www.j-italy.org/libraries/leo-levi-on-the-music-of-the-jews-of-italy/)


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Item Relations

This Item Is Part Of Item: Reggio Emilia
This Item compare to Item: Yah Shimkhah - Giuseppe Vitale, Alessandria
This Item compare to Item: Yah Shimkhah - Aldo Perez, Torino


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TL, “Yah shimkhah - Salomone Ottolenghi, Reggio Emilia,” Thesaurus of Jewish-Italian Liturgical Music, accessed March 13, 2025, https://jewishitalianmusic.org/thesaurus/items/show/3308.