Verona sinagoga tedesca


Verona sinagoga tedesca


Jewish presence in Verona dates back to the VI century of the Modern Era. The community reached more than 1400 members at the end of the Ghetto era, and in different times during its long history had distinct "italiano" "spagnolo" and "tedesco" congregations.
The construction of the synagogue we see today dates back to 1864 on the initiative of Rabbi Pardo. The initial project was not completed due to lack of funds, and the current building is the completion of the 19th century one: it follows the "rito tedesco", it was inaugurated on 29 September 1929 and is the only Synagogue in Verona.



Some selected material:

Verona - Shabbat

Verona - Yom Kippur

Verona - Rosh Hashanah

Verona - Passover

see an unsorted list of all the material below the map, or use the search page to look for specific material.




Item Relations

Item: Shofet kol ha-aretz - Elia Richetti - Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Betzet Yisrael - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Ahavti ki yishma' - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Min hametzar - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Ki lo naeh - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Adir hu - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Chad gadya - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Introduction to Torah reading - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Parashah Wayechi - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Haftarah - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Parashat Yitro - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Reading of Ekhah - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Shir hama'alot - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Pirqe avot - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Shofet kol haaretz (Yom Kippur) - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Ani 'avadekha - Mario Volterra, Torino Is Part Of This Item
Item: El rachum shemakh - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Widui - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qaddish for Rosh Hashanah - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qaddish (Yom Kippur) - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qaddish (for Pesach) - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qaddish (for Shavu'ot) - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qaddish (for Sukkot) - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Ma'oz Tzur and berakhah - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: We-hu rachum - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: 'Arvit for Motzei Shabbat: Le-Dawid Barukh and Shir haMa'alot - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: 'Arvit for Motzei Shabbat: We-hu rachum - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: 'Arvit for Motzei Shabbat: Barekhu - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Hamavdil - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Lekhah Dodi - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Wayikhulu - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qaddish titqabal - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Lishmo'a qol shofar - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Kol nidre - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Ki bayom hazeh - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Adonai shema' adonai selach - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Ki hineh kachomer bayad hayotzer - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Hamavdil - Mario Volterra, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: En 'Arokh Elekha (Yom Kippur) - Avraham Basevi, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Ana Ezon (Yom Kippur) - Avraham Basevi, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Ach en lanu (Yom Kippur) - Avraham Basevi, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Ile Merom (Yom Kippur) - Avraham Basevi, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: 'Alenu Leshabeach (Rosh Hashanah) - Avraham Basevi, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Unetaneh toqef - Avraham Basevi, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Haochez bayad (Rosh Hashanah) - Avraham Basevi, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qaddish for Yom Kippur - Avraham Basevi, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Haftarah reading for Shabbat Chazon - Avraham Basevi, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Lishmo'a qol shofar - Avraham Basevi, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Hashkavah - Avraham Basevi, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Mincha per il venerdì - Elia Richetti, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qabbalat Shabbat e arvit - Elia Richetti, Verona Is Part Of This Item
Item: Shachrit e Mussaf per Shabbat - Elia Richetti, Verona Is Part Of This Item


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PM, “Verona sinagoga tedesca,” Thesaurus of Jewish-Italian Liturgical Music, accessed July 27, 2024,