





Item Relations

Item: Shofet kol ha-aretz - Elia Richetti - Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Lekhah Dodi - Giacomo Levi Minzi, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Lekhah Dodi for Shabbat Chazon - Giacomo Levi Minzi, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Eleh ezkerah - Elia Richetti, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qedushah for Shacharit, Shabbat - Vittorio Levi Minzi, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qaddish - Vittorio Levi Minzi, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: 'Arvit for mo'ed - Vittorio Levi Minzi, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qiddush for 'Erev Pesach - Vittorio Levi Minzi, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Berukhim atem (for circumcision) - Salvatore Osmo, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Yehi shalom (for the birth of a baby boy) - Salvatore Osmo, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Amon yom zeh - Salvatore Osmo, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Achot Qetanah - Salvatore Osmo, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qaddish titqabal - Vittorio Levi Minzi, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Adonai beqol shofar - Salvatore Osmo, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: 'Et sha'are ratzon - Salvatore Osmo, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Haftarah (festival days) - Elia Levi, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Haftarah reading for Shabbat Chazon - Elia Levi, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Sefer Yonah - Elia Levi, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Shirat hayam - Elia Levi, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Megillat Ruth - Elia Levi, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Megillat Ester - Elia Levi, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Ki lo naeh - Elia Levi, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Tzur mishelo akhalnu (Col nostro chintarino) - Elia Levi, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Yom shabbaton - Elia Levi, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Rau banim (for Passover) - Elia Levi, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Rau banim (for Shavu'ot) - Elia Levi, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Purim Lanu - Elia Levi, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qoree megillah - Elia Levi, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Zekhor berit Avraham - Elia Levi, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Waya'avor adonai (festival days) - Vittorio Levi Minzi, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Hoshi'anah - Vittorio Levi Minzi, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Elohe haruchot hoshi'ah na - Vittorio Levi Minzi, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qaddish - Vittorio Levi Minzi, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Barekhu and Qedushah (Yom Kippur) - Vittorio Levi Minzi and others, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: le'olam chasdo - David Nacson, Vittorio Levi Minzi and others, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Tefillah for Rosh Chodesh - Salvatore Osmo, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Misheberakh - Salvatore Osmo, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Parashat Achare Mot (Yom Kippur) - Salvatore Osmo, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Parashat Balaq - Dario Israel, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Haftarah reading with berakhot - Dario Israel, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Achot qetanah - Dario Israel, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Selichah: Adonai shama'ti - Dario Israel, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Selichah: Ben Adam - Dario Israel, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Selichah: 'Anenu - Dario Israel, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Hashkivenu - Salvatore Osmo, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qiddush (last two nights of Pesach) - Salvatore Osmo, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Wayehi No'am - Salvatore Osmo, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Lekhu Neranenah (Shir Hama'alot) - Salvatore Osmo, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Tzadiq atah - Salvatore Osmo, Trieste Is Part Of This Item
Item: Kol berue - Paolo Nissim, Trieste (Padova) Is Part Of This Item


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PM, “Trieste,” Thesaurus of Jewish-Italian Liturgical Music, accessed July 27, 2024,