Scir Ammahalot a Tre Voci - Sigr. A. D. S. - Baritono di Concerto - for baritone - manuscript score


Scir Ammahalot a Tre Voci - Sigr. A. D. S. - Baritono di Concerto - for baritone - manuscript score



Text Incipit

Incipit as it appears on written source

scir ammahalot ascre col jore

Biblical source: book

Biblical source: verses

128: 1-6



Life cycle event

Text source, form or category

NLI call and system number

MUS COLL Roma 01.02

NLI url


Notes on composer

Amadio Di Segni, Rome 1837 - Marseille, 1925. Was director of the synagogue choir in Rome and, from 1868, in Marseille.

Notes on transcription

The first page is stamped with the sigil of the “Società di Esercizio Musicale”, a society of composers – both Jewish and non Jewish – who between the XIX and early XX centuries wrote liturgical material for the five “Scole” and the Tempio Maggiore (from Pasquale Troia, Musicisti e canti sinagogali a Roma tra il 1814 e il 1914. Una ricerca nell’Archivio Storico della Comunità Ebraica di Roma; in “Ebrei a Roma tra Risorgimento ed emancipazione (1814-1914)”, ed. C. Procaccia, Gangemi Editore, Roma 2015).


Item Relations

This Item Is Part Of Item: Roma, Tempio Maggiore
This Item Is Part Of Item: Salmo 128 a tre voci - Amadio Di Segni, Roma


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SP, “Scir Ammahalot a Tre Voci - Sigr. A. D. S. - Baritono di Concerto - for baritone - manuscript score,” Thesaurus of Jewish-Italian Liturgical Music, accessed March 11, 2025,