Arvit for Tisha beAv - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze


Arvit for Tisha beAv - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze





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Date of original recording


Informant biographical notes

Born in Firenze, 31/05/1913. Studies at the Collegio Rabbinico di Firenze and Collegio Rabbinico di Roma. Chazan in Firenze since the early 1930s, then assistant rabbi to rabbi Nathan Cassuto. Acting Chief Rabbi in Firenze since after the war, is formally Chief Rabbi from 1963 to 1978. Dies in Firenze, 11/04/1998.

A. Zimmerman, Belgrado, David Fernando , Encyclopaedia Judaica 2, voi. 3, col. 289 (born 1918)

Piattelli, Angelo Mordekhai. “REPERTORIO BIOGRAFICO DEI RABBINI D'ITALIA DAL 1861 AL 2011.” La Rassegna Mensile Di Israel, vol. 76, no. 1/2, 2010, pp. 185–256. JSTOR, Accessed 4 April 2021.

Notes on recording

Rabbi Belgrado begins the recording by stating that he is assisted by Michele Hagen, and giving an account of varied minhagim connected with hours of the tisha beAv tefillot, including shachrit. This recording of the evening tefillot is divided in two separate, consecutive files; it begins with mizmor 137 that opens the ceremony, then skips to the end of the 'amidah to the first qinah (lemi evkeh) that precedes the reading of eicha.


Item Relations

This Item Is Part Of Item: Firenze Tempio Maggiore
Item: Lemi Evkeh - rav Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Zekhor A. - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Belel zeh - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Oy ki yarad - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Alekhem 'Eda Qedosha - rav Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Ani hagever aqonen - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Az bachataenu - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: 'Urah na - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: 'al hekhali - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze
Is Part Of This Item


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EF, “Arvit for Tisha beAv - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze,” Thesaurus of Jewish-Italian Liturgical Music, accessed September 8, 2024,