Firenze Tempio Maggiore


Firenze Tempio Maggiore


Repertorio Liturgico


the "Tempio Maggiore Israelitico" was constructed in the second half of the XIX century and was inaugurated in 1882. It follows the minhag of the Florence Spagnolo congregation, originating in Livorno and in use in Florence since the XVII century.  The old "rito italiano" which was in use in the Scuola Italiana in Florence during the Ghetto era, and was still in use in a smaller synagogue until a few years after WWII, is now abandoned, though some traces (especially in readings such as for the megillot) do remain in the Florence tradition. The minhag follows a variant of the Western Sephardic ritual, that in Livorno has been heavily influenced by the qabbalistic school of Safed in particular, but not exclusively, after rabbi Chayim David Azulay's stay in town in the second half of the XVIII century; in Florence it shows what is probably an earlier variant, with fewer qabbalistic insertions: a machazor for the Scuola Spagnola printed in Florence in 1735 presents some innovations of qabbalistic origin such as qabbalat Shabbat, but shows no trace of kavanot or symbolic texts typical of the Lurianic school, that are instead present in Livorno later material (see the ritual for haqafot for Simchat Torah). The ritual found in the 1735 machazor is basically the same as the ritual currently in use.

Some selected material:

Firenze Tempio Maggiore - Shabbat

Firenze Tempio Maggiore - Yom Kippur

Firenze Tempio Maggiore - Rosh Hashanah

Firenze Tempio Maggiore - Passover

see an unsorted list of all the material below the map, or use the search page to look for specific material.




Item Relations

Item: Al Naharot Bavel for Tish'a be-Av, rav Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Lemi Evkeh - rav Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Alekhem 'Eda Qedosha - rav Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Lekhah Dodi - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze (4) Is Part Of This Item
Item: Lekhah Dodi - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze (3) Is Part Of This Item
Item: Lekhah Dodi - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze (2) Is Part Of This Item
Item: Lekhah Dodi - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze (1) Is Part Of This Item
Item: Lekhah Dodi - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze (5) Is Part Of This Item
Item: Lekhah Dodi for chazan and boys choir - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze (6) Is Part Of This Item
Item: Lekhah Dodi for baritone and boys choir - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze (7) Is Part Of This Item
Item: Birkat kohanim - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Min hametzar for mo'adim - Renzo Ventura, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Shir hama'alot (samachti) . Michele Bolaffi, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Parashat Yitro (4th aliyah) - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Parashat Yitro (5th aliyah) - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Haftarah Divre Yermiahu - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Shir hashirim - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Ekhah - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Megillat Ester - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Megillat Ruth - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Ha lachma 'ania - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Zekhor A. - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Belel zeh - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Oy ki yarad - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Az bachataenu - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: 'Urah na - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Esh toqad beqirbi - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Eli 'Adati Wehelili - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Yehudah weIsrael - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Zeevei 'erev - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Elah ezkerah - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Lashekhinah 'alta - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Alelai li - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Ashre haish asher lo halakh - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Yoshev beseter 'elyon - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Hodinu lekha - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Mikhtam leDavid - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Ledavid Barukh - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Mizmor Shir Leyom haShabbat - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qaddish for festival days - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Haqafah: Seu she'arim - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Haqafah: Yonah - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Haqafah: Shokhant - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Haqafah: Matai - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Haqafah: Amen shem nora - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Haqafah: Sha'ar asher nisgar - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Haqafah: Shalom lekhah dodi - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Haqafah: Teromem bat ramah - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Achot qetanah - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Chon Tachon (2nd night of Rosh Hashanah) - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qaddish and Barekhu for Rosh Hashanah - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Rau banim - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Hashkivenu - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Uveyom simchatkhem - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Elohai al tedineni (beginning and end) - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Elohai al tedineni (central verses) - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Shofet kol haaretz - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Yede rashim - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Yah shimkhah - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qaddish for Rosh Hashanah - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Semechim Bezedam - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: 'Amidah for Rosh Hashanah - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qedushah for Rosh Hashanah - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: 'Amidah for Rosh Hashanah (Atah Qadosh) - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Avinu malkenu - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: 'Aseh lema'an shemekha - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Elohenu shebashamayim - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Al Ta'As 'Imanu Kalah - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Widui (Ashamnu Bagadnu) - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Mi el kamokha - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Elohim Eli Atah - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Uvkhen - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qedushah - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Bimerome 'eretz (before Qedushah) - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Atah khonanta - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Wekakh hayah omer - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Yatza wenatal dam - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Ashre 'ain raatah - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: El erekh apayim - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Ne'ilah: El nora 'alilah - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Yoshev Beseter Eliyon (for funerals) - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Yehi Shalom (1) - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Yehi Shalom (2) - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Yehi Shalom (3) - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Sheva berakhot - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Haftarah Reading for Tish'a beAv - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Reading of Nevi'im (not Haftarah) - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: 'Et sha'are ratzon - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Adonai beqol shofar - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: 'Alah elohim biteru'ah - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Atanu lechalot - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Ochilah lael - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qedushah for Rosh Hashanah - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Hayom harat 'olam (Rosh Hashanah) - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qadish titqabal (closure) for Rosh Hashanah - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Biyeshivah shel ma'lah and Kol Nidre - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: We-hu rachum - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Ana beqoreenu (Yom Kippur) - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: El Melekh Yoshev (Yom Kippur) - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Rachmana (Yom Kippur) - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Chatanu tzurenu (Yom Kippur) - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Ereele ma'lah (Yom Kippur) - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Beterem shechaqim (Yom Kippur) - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: 'Anenu (Yom Kippur) - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Adon haselichot (Yom Kippur) - Umberto Genazzani, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Hodinu lekha - Umberto Sciunnach and Renzo Ventura, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Mikhtam Ledavid - Umberto Sciunnach and Renzo Ventura, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Ledavid barukh - Renzo Ventura, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Lekhah Dodi - Cesare Ventura, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Music notebook with various annotations, scales, arpeggios, and transcriptions of opera arias - manuscript score - Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Salmo di Pesach - Federico Benadì, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Lekh Lekha, berakhot and half qaddish for Torah reading - F. Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Elle moade - Federico Benadì, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Hashkivenu per Shabbat - Federico Benadì, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Hashkivenu per Pesach - Federico Benadì, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Antiche Danze Spagnole; four pizmonim, baritone and organ - Fernando Belgrado - Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: shirat hayam - Sergio Servi, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Chanukkah candle lighting - Alberto Servi, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Psalm for Chanukkah - Alberto Servi, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Tzur Mishelo Achalnu - Joseph Levi, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Yom zeh leIsrael - Joseph Levi, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Na El eliyon [calling the chatanim to the Bimah] - Alberto Servi, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Lekh Leshalom [saluting the chatanim as they descend from the bimah] - Alberto Servi, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Shachrit shel Shabbat - Renzo Ventura, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Nishmat kol chai - Renzo Ventura, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: veillu finu - Renzo Ventura, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Ishtabbach - Renzo Ventura, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: qaddish and barekhu - Renzo Ventura, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Yotzer - Renzo Ventura, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: El Adon - Renzo Ventura, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: La'El asher Shabbat - Renzo Ventura, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Titbarakh - Renzo Ventura Is Part Of This Item
Item: Ahavat 'Olam - Renzo Ventura, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: reading of Shema' Israel - Renzo Ventura, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Emet veyatziv - Renzo Ventura, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Repetition of the shachrit 'Amidah - Renzo Ventura, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qaddish titqabal shachrit - Renzo Ventura, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Atta Oreta del chazan - Renzo Ventura, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Rommemu - Renzo Ventura, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Ashrei - Renzo Ventura, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Complete reading of Megillat Ester (live) - Umberto Forti, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Lo Amut (voice and piano) - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Parashat Noach - Firenze, Jacopo Treves Is Part Of This Item
Item: Parashat Va'era - Firenze, Jacopo Treves
Is Part Of This Item
Item: Parashat Re'eh - Jacopo Treves, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Arvit for Tisha beAv - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: Ani hagever aqonen - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze Is Part Of This Item
Item: 'al hekhali - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze
Is Part Of This Item


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EF, “Firenze Tempio Maggiore,” Thesaurus of Jewish-Italian Liturgical Music, accessed October 22, 2024,