Ledavid barukh - Renzo Ventura, Firenze
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Ledavid barukh - Renzo Ventura, Firenze
Biblical source: book
Biblical source: verses
Place in liturgical year
Place in day liturgy
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part of the "mizmorim prima di Motzae shabbat" item on www.minhagfirenze.it at the following link:
Place of original recording
Date of original recording
Informant biographical notes
Florentine lawyer, son-in-law to rabbi Fernando Belgrado, he extensively studied florentine minhag and chazanut under Belgrado, acted very often as a shaliach tzibbur both at the Florence Tempio Maggiore and at the Tempio Italiano in rechov Hillel in Jerusalem when he moved to Israel in the 2010s. He inherited most of Belgrado's original recordings and added to the collection other family recordings and his personal addenda based on his recollections of his study. He taught extensively to younger generations in Florence.
Notes on recording
Ventura includes this psalm to the set of "mizmorim di motzei Shabbat", together with "hodinu lekha" and "mikhtam ledavid". As Ventura explains at the beginning of this recording, these three psalms, sung before arvit lemotzei Shabbat, are read by various congregants alternating verse for verse (the first two) and by a single person (this one). Actually, this psalm is sung not immediately after the other two but after "amar rabbi Eleazar" and qaddish derabbanan (Umberto Sciunnach, סדור כמנהג ק“ק פירנצה יע“א, Morasha, 2005 pp. 244.246)
Item Relations
This Item | Is Part Of | Item: Firenze Tempio Maggiore |
This Item | complement of | Item: Hodinu lekha - Umberto Sciunnach and Renzo Ventura, Firenze |
This Item | complement of | Item: Mikhtam Ledavid - Umberto Sciunnach and Renzo Ventura, Firenze |
This Item | is a version of the melody in | Item: Ledavid Barukh - Fernando Belgrado, Firenze |
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EF, “Ledavid barukh - Renzo Ventura, Firenze,” Thesaurus of Jewish-Italian Liturgical Music, accessed March 14, 2025, https://jewishitalianmusic.org/thesaurus/items/show/2049.