Browse Items (7 total) Tags: talmud Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Browse Map Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Pirqe avot - Raffaele Cases, Mantova Tags: Italian rite, Mantova, mishnah, pirqe avot, reading, recording, rito italiano, talmud Pirqe avot - Mario Volterra, Verona Tags: cantillation, pirqe avot, reading, recording, rito tedesco, shabbat, shavuot, talmud, verona Bameh madliqin - Raul Elia, Ancona Tags: Ancona, cantillation, friday, friday night, kabalah, kabbalah, kabbalat shabbat, qabbala, qabbalah, qabbalat shabbat, reading, recording, rito italiano, shabat, shabbat, talmud Pirqe Avot - Aldo Perez, Torino Tags: cantillation, Piemonte, pirqe avot, reading, recording, rito italiano, shabbat, shavuot, talmud, Torino Bameh madliqin - Raffaele Grassini, Venezia Tags: friday night, kabbalat shabbat, mishnah, qabbalat shabbat, Rav Raffaele Grassini, reading, recording, rito spagnolo, shabat, shabbat, talmud, Venezia Pirqe Avot - Fernando Procaccia, Firenze Tags: Fernando Procaccia, Firenze, mishnah, pirqe avot, reading, recording, rito italiano, talmud Pirqe Avot - Alessandro Segre, Casale Monferrato Tags: alessandro segre, cantillation, casale monferrato, Counting of the 'omer, Pesach, Piemonte, reading, recording, rito tedesco, shabbat, shavu'ot, shavuot, talmud Featured Item Lekhah Dodi - Leone Leoni, Ferrara (1)