Kadisch dopo le Selihod - Giuseppe Bassani,



Kadisch dopo le Selihod - Giuseppe Bassani,



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Informant biographical notes

Born in Ferrara, 18/12/1886. Acted as shaliach tzibbur. Contacted by A.Z. Idelsohn in the early 1930s to provide details on the tedesco tradition in Ferrara, he started a correspondence in which he described the various rituals active in Italy at the time, and in Ferrara in particular, sending to Idelsohn in Cincinnati a seies of transcriptions from the reoertoires of the three Ferrara synagogues, tedesca, spagnola, italiana. The transcriptions were probably written down by a miss Samaya, who taught music at the Jewish school; Bassani at the time of the correspondence was blind, after being wounded in WWI. Arrested in  Ferrara on 05/02/1944, he was killed upon arrival in Auschwitz on 26/02/1944.


Manuscript music source

Personal correspondence: Giuseppe Bassani - A. Z. Idelsohn 1933-1934, December-September.

Manuscript author

Manuscript reference

The National Library of Israel, Music Library, Idelsohn Archive, MUS 0004 E 049-053.

Manuscript date (if known)



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Item Relations

This Item Is Part Of Item: Ferrara Scuola Tedesca
This Item Is Referenced By Item: Seroussi, In search of antiquity (article)
This Item Is Referenced By Item: Idelsohn, Traditional songs of the tedesco Jews (article)
Item: Qaddish for the evening before the penitential period - Leone Leoni, Ferrara is a version of the melody in This Item


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EF, “Kadisch dopo le Selihod - Giuseppe Bassani,,” Thesaurus of Jewish-Italian Liturgical Music, accessed March 14, 2025, https://jewishitalianmusic.org/thesaurus/items/show/1702.