Qaddish for the evening before the penitential period - Leone Leoni, Ferrara
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Qaddish for the evening before the penitential period - Leone Leoni, Ferrara
Place in day liturgy
Liturgical unit
Text source, form or category
NLI call and system number
Y 00141(12)
Santa Cecilia collection number, item number
raccolta 52, 221
Santa Cecilia url
Catalogo Sommario delle Registrazioni
raccolta 52, 219
Place of original recording
Date of original recording
Person responsible for the recording
Informant biographical notes
Born in Verona, 25/04/1897; studies at Collegio Rabbinico di Firenze under rabbi S,H, Margulies and rabbi D. Disegni; is in Ferrara at least since 1920, becoming Secretary to the Jewish community; is Chief Rabbi of Ferrara from 1927. Survives the Shoah in hiding, and returns to his post after the war remaining Chief Rabbi in Ferrara until 1952, when he becomes Chief Rabbi in Venezia. Dies 03/10/1964.
See: Secchieri, Laura Graziani. “LEONE LEONI, UN RABBINO GALANTUOMO.” La Rassegna Mensile Di Israel, vol. 82, no. 1, 2016, pp. 49–74.
Magrini, Silvio. "Storia degli ebrei di Ferrara"; Andrea Pesaro, ed.; Belforte, Livorno 2019
See: Secchieri, Laura Graziani. “LEONE LEONI, UN RABBINO GALANTUOMO.” La Rassegna Mensile Di Israel, vol. 82, no. 1, 2016, pp. 49–74.
Magrini, Silvio. "Storia degli ebrei di Ferrara"; Andrea Pesaro, ed.; Belforte, Livorno 2019
Notes on music
In the Leo Levi notes printed in the "Catalogo Sommario", this particular qaddish is indicated as a tune for the "evening preceding the penitential period". In the NLI notes, as a qaddish for motzey Shabbat during yamim noraim. It is, moreover, a variant on the melody transcribed by Bassani before the war (see below): there, the informant identified this tune as the one used for the qaddish following the selichot (see also Bassani's transcription of the qaddish preceding the selichot). Taken togther, this information may point to a use of this melody on the Saturday night preceding Rosh Hashanah, when according to Ashkenazim custom selichot are read for the first time (and then are read every day until RH).

Item Relations
This Item | Is Part Of | Item: Ferrara Scuola Tedesca |
This Item | Is Referenced By | Item: Seroussi, In search of antiquity (article) |
This Item | is a version of the melody in | Item: Kadisch dopo le Selihod - Giuseppe Bassani, |
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EF, “Qaddish for the evening before the penitential period - Leone Leoni, Ferrara,” Thesaurus of Jewish-Italian Liturgical Music, accessed March 14, 2025,