[Aavta Zedek] Rito Italiano - Giuseppe Bassani, Ferrara
[Aavta Zedek] Rito Italiano - Giuseppe Bassani, Ferrara
Incipit as it appears on written source
aavta zedek
Place in liturgical year
Place in day liturgy
Liturgical unit
Text source, form or category
Informant biographical notes
Born in Ferrara, 18/12/1886. Acted as shaliach tzibbur. Contacted by A.Z. Idelsohn in the early 1930s to provide details on the tedesco tradition in Ferrara, he started a correspondence in which he described the various rituals active in Italy at the time, and in Ferrara in particular, sending to Idelsohn in Cincinnati a seies of transcriptions from the reoertoires of the three Ferrara synagogues, tedesca, spagnola, italiana. The transcriptions were probably written down by a miss Samaya, who taught music at the Jewish school; Bassani at the time of the correspondence was blind, after being wounded in WWI. Arrested in Ferrara on 05/02/1944, he was killed upon arrival in Auschwitz on 26/02/1944.
Date of transcription
Place of transcription
Manuscript music source
Personal correspondence: Giuseppe Bassani - A. Z. Idelsohn 1933-1934, December-September.
Manuscript reference
The National Library of Israel, Music Library, Idelsohn Archive, MUS 0004 E 049-053.
Manuscript date (if known)
Notes on music
On the top right corner of the page the following lines can be read: "Questo canto serve anche per la I° parte delle 'Amidodi' di Kippur (misod hahamim ecc.)" - meaning that the same melody is to be used for מסוד חכמים (mi-sod chakhamim) and other texts in the first part of the repetition of the Amidah on Yom Kippur - the term "Amidodi" might refer specifically to qerovot, as mi-sod chakhamim, or in general to the repetition of the Amidah.
מילות / text
Poem for the introduction to selichot on Yom Kippur, arvit, italian rite.
Item Relations
This Item | Is Part Of | Item: Ferrara Scuola Italiana |
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EF, “[Aavta Zedek] Rito Italiano - Giuseppe Bassani, Ferrara,” Thesaurus of Jewish-Italian Liturgical Music, accessed March 7, 2025, https://jewishitalianmusic.org/thesaurus/items/show/3229.