Browse Items (6 total) Tags: Cesare Wolf Ferrari Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Browse Map Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Cheder - choir and organ - Cesare Wolf Ferrari (1913) - B flat major - Venezia - manuscript score Tags: Cesare Wolf Ferrari, Choir, kedusha, kedushah, Keter, manuscript, manuscript score, Organ, qedusha, qedushah, Qeter, rito spagnolo, shabat, shabbat, Venezia Cheder M.° Cesare Wolf Ferrari - Grandioso - Venezia - manuscript score (incomplete) Tags: Cesare Wolf Ferrari, kedusha, kedushah, Keter, manuscript, manuscript score, qedusha, qedushah, Qeter, rito spagnolo, shabat, shabbat, Venezia Atà Oreda - Contralti - Wolf Ferrari - Adagio - A major - Venezia - manuscript score Tags: Adagio, Atta' oreta, Cesare Wolf Ferrari, Contralto, hagbahah, manuscript, manuscript score, opening of the Ark, rito spagnolo, score, shabat, shabbat, torah reading, Venezia Atà Oreda - Soprani I - Wolf Ferrari - Adagio - A major - Venezia - manuscript score Tags: Adagio, Atta' oreda, Atta' oreta, Cesare Wolf Ferrari, hagbahah, manuscript, manuscript score, opening of the Ark, rito spagnolo, shabat, shabbat, Soprano, torah reading, Venezia Atà Oreda a 3 voci (soprano I and II; contralto) - Maestro Cesare Wolf Ferrari - Agosto 1920 - Adagio - A major - Venezia - manuscript score Tags: Adagio, Atta' oreta, Cesare Wolf Ferrari, choral music, Contralto, Giacomo Levi, hagbahah, Learned Jewish music repertoire, learned music, manuscript, manuscript score, opening of the Ark, rito spagnolo, shabat, shabbat, Soprano, torah reading, Venezia Atà oreda - Cesare Wolf Ferrari - Adagio - contralto, soprano, organ - Venezia - manuscript score Tags: Adagio, Atta' oreda, Atta' oreta, cantillation, Cesare Wolf Ferrari, choral music, Contralto, learned music, manuscript, manuscript score, Organ, reading, Soprano, torah, torah reading Featured Item Yom Atzma'ut