Browse Items (136 total)
- Tags: torah reading
הנותן [Ha-noten] - Per lo Statuto - M° Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass
Tags: Bass, choral music, emancipazione israelitica, Festa dello Statuto, Ha-noten, hanoten, jewish emancipation, Learned Jewish music repertoire, learned music, Leghorn, Livorno, manuscript, manuscript score, prayer for the government, re d'Italia, rito spagnolo, royal family, shabat, shabbat, Soprano, Tenor, torah reading, toscana, Umberto Primo
ואני תפלתי [Wa-ani tefilati] - Parigi - E. Jonas - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score
Tags: Bass, choral music, festival days, Learned Jewish music repertoire, Leghorn, Livorno, manuscript, manuscript score, Mincà, Minchah, Minha, Moadim, Parigi, Paris, Pesach, psalm, rito spagnolo, shabat, shabbat, shavuot, Soprano, sukkot, Tenor, torah, torah reading, toscana
הנותן [Ha-noten, prayer for the king] - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score
Tags: Bass, choral music, emancipazione israelitica, Ha-noten, hanoten, jewish emancipation, Learned Jewish music repertoire, learned music, Leghorn, Livorno, manuscript, manuscript score, prayer for the government, re d'Italia, rito spagnolo, royal family, shabat, shabbat, Soprano, Tenor, torah reading, toscana, Umberto Primo
Romamù n. 2 Mendelssohn - Romamù n. 2 per coro di donne a tre voci - Con accompagnamento d'organo di Felice Mendelssohn - soprano 1 and 2; alto; organ - Venezia - manuscript score
Tags: Bass, basso, cantillation, Contralto, Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, manuscript, manuscript score, Organ, psalm, Psalms, reading, rito spagnolo, Romamu, Romemu, shabat, shabbat, Soprano, tanach, tanakh, torah, torah reading, Venezia, Women choir
Rentrée des tables de la loi - Hodo al eretz (Bruxelles) - Ed. Samuel, professore del R. Conservatorio di Bruxelles - G minor - soprano, alto, tenor, bass, organ - Venezia - manuscript score
Tags: Adolphe-Abraham Samuel, Bass, Bruxelles, cantillation, choral music, Contralto, learned music, Organ, psalm, Psalms, reading, rito spagnolo, shabat, shabbat, Soprano, tanach, tanakh, Tenor, torah, torah reading, Venezia
Vezod a Torà -[Massimiliano] Della Rovere - in C major - for organ - Venezia - manuscript score
Tags: adonay malakh, choral music, learned music, malakh, manuscript, manuscript score, Massimiliano Della Rovere, Organ, Organo, piyut, rito spagnolo, Scemà, score, shabat, shabbat, Shema, shema', shema' israel, shemah, shemah israel, Shemah Yisrael, tanach, tanakh, torah, torah reading, Venezia, We-zod ha-Torah, We-zot ha-Torah
Finali aggiunti ai Romamu n. 1 e n. 2 di Mazzucato - for soprano, contralto and organ - Venezia - manuscript score
Tags: Alberto Mazzucato, cantillation, choral music, learned music, manuscript, manuscript score, Organ, Organo, psalm, Psalms, reading, rito spagnolo, Romamu, Romemu, score, shabat, shabbat, tanach, tanakh, tehillim, torah, torah reading, Venezia
Romemù del M.* Mazzucato - for voice (soprano, tenor 1 and 2, bass) and organ.
Tags: Alberto Mazzucato, Bass, cantillation, choral music, learned music, manuscript, manuscript score, Organ, Organo, psalm, Psalms, reading, rito spagnolo, Romamu, Romemu, score, shabat, shabbat, Soprano, tanach, tanakh, tehillim, Tenor, torah, torah reading, Venezia
Romemù 1* del Maestro Mazzucato - for soprano, tenor 1 and 2, bass - Venezia
Tags: Alberto Mazzucato, Bass, cantillation, choral music, learned music, manuscript, manuscript score, Organ, Organo, psalm, Psalms, reading, rito spagnolo, Romamu, Romemu, score, shabat, shabbat, Soprano, tanach, tanakh, tehillim, Tenor, Tenore, torah, torah reading, Venezia
Romemù 2* del M.* Mazzucato - for soprano, tenor 1 and 2, bass - Venezia - manuscript score
Tags: Alberto Mazzucato, Bass, cantillation, choral music, learned music, manuscript, manuscript score, Organ, Organo, psalm, Psalms, reading, rito spagnolo, Romamu, Romemu, score, shabat, shabbat, Soprano, tanach, tanakh, tehillim, Tenor, torah, torah reading, Venezia