Browse Items (2 total) Tags: Wa-ani tefilati Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Browse Map Sort by: Title Creator Date Added wa-ani tefilati - Ernesto Ventura - Coro Ventura - recording - Livorno Tags: Choir, choral music, Coro Ventura, Ernesto Ventura, recording, torah reading, Wa-ani tefilati Canti sacri per i giorni penitenziali e festivi raccolti da Ernesto Ventura (Sacred compositions for penitential days and holidays, edited by Ernesto Ventura) - manuscript score - Livorno Tags: Anà, Ancient music, Aschivenu, Ashkivenu, Barukh ha-ba, Bolaffi Michele, Chippur, El erekh apaim, Ernesto Ventura, Hallel, kippur, Learned Jewish music repertoire, learned music, Leghorn, Livorno, Michele Bolaffi, Minchah, Minha, Mizmor le-David, mo'adim, mo'ed, Moadim, moed, Motivo obbligato, Musica antica, Odekha, Rau Vanim, Romemu, Rosh ha-shanah, rosh hashana, rosh hashanah, shabbat, shabbat bereshit, Simchà Torà, simchat torah, Wa-ani tefilati, yigdal Featured Item Haggadah di Pesach / Passover Haggadah / הגדה של פסח according to the Italo-German rite in Gorizia - complete recording - Rabbi Elia Richetti