Browse Items (7 total) Tags: Ashkenazi rite Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Browse Map Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Seder ha-'avodah - We-kakh hayah omer - Guido Heller - Venezia Tags: Ashkenazi rite, Guglielmo Heller, recording, Scola Canton, Scola Tedesca Shehecheianu di Kippur - Guido Heller, Venezia Tags: Ashkenazi rite, Guido Heller, kippur, kol nidre, kol nidrei, kol nidrey, recording, Scola Canton, Scola Tedesca, shecheianu, shecheyanu, sheecheianu, Venezia Qaddish for Rosh Hashanah and Yamim Noraim - Leone Leoni. Ferrara Tags: Ashkenazi rite, Caddis, Caddish, Cadisc, fast days, Ferrara, jewish new year, kaddish, kadish, kippur, mo'adim, mo'ed, qaddish, qadish, recording, rito tedesco, Rosh ha-shanah, rosh hashana, rosh hashanah, taanit, yamim noraim, yom hakippurim, yom kippur Song of the sea - Leone Leoni, Ferrara Tags: Ashkenazi rite, cantillation, Ferrara, Parascià, parasha, parashah, reading, recording, rito tedesco, shabat, shabbat, shirat hayam, tanakh, torah, torah reading Torah reading for Rosh Hashanah - Leone Leoni, Ferrara Tags: Ashkenazi rite, cantillation, Capodanno, Capodanno ebraico, Ferrara, feste maggiori, festival days, jewish new year, kippur, mo'adim, mo'ed, Parascià, parasha, parashah, reading, recording, rito tedesco, Rosh ha-shanah, rosh hashana, rosh hashanah, torah, torah reading Torah reading for Yom Kippur - rav Leoni, Ferrara Tags: Ashkenazi rite, cantillation, fast days, Ferrara, feste maggiori, kippur, Parascià, parasha, parashah, reading, recording, rito tedesco, torah, torah reading, yom, yom hakippurim, yom kippur Torah reading - rav Leoni, Ferrara Tags: Ashkenazi rite, cantillation, Ferrara, Parascià, parasha, parashah, reading, recording, rito tedesco, shabat, shabbat, torah, torah reading Featured Item Yom Atzma'ut