Browse Items (4 total) Tags: anonymous score Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Browse Map Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Hallel - anonymous, Rome, soprano score A setting of Psalm 117 followed by Psalm 118. Composer is currently unknown. Tags: anonimo, Anonymous, anonymous score, chol hamoed, Hallel, Italian rite, manuscript, manuscript score, mo'adim, mo'ed, moed, psalm 117, psalm 118, rito italiano, rosh chodesh Anonymous and untitled incomplete score - Music for the order of reading the Torah - soprano (and organ?) - Venezia - manuscript score Tags: anonymous score, Barukh ha-maqom, Bass, incomplete manuscript score, manuscript, manuscript score, Organ, rito spagnolo, shabat, shabbat, Shachrit, torah reading Anonymous - Col anesamà - Venezia - part for organ - manuscript score. Tags: anonimo, Anonymous, anonymous score, cantillation, Choir, choral music, Coro, kol ha-neshamah, Kol ha-neshamah tehallel Yah, learned music, manuscript, manuscript score, Organ, Organo, psalm, Psalms, Qol ha-neshamah, reading, rito spagnolo, score, Venezia, Venice Scir amagnalod (Ps. 130) – for soprano 1 and 2, tenore, basso - anonymous - Venezia - manuscript score Tags: anonimo, Anonymous, anonymous score, Bass, cantillation, choral music, learned music, manuscript, manuscript score, psalm, Psalms, reading, rito spagnolo, score, Shir ha-ma'alot, Soprano, tanach, tanakh, Tenor, Tenore, Venezia Featured Item Haggadah di Pesach / Passover Haggadah / הגדה של פסח according to the Italo-German rite in Gorizia - complete recording - Rabbi Elia Richetti