Browse Items (10 total) Tags: minchà Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Browse Map Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Mincha per il venerdì - Elia Richetti, Verona Tags: complete tefillot, erev shabbat, minchà, Minchah, Minha, recording, Venerdì sera, verona Ashrei Ish Iare [Asré isc jaré] - Amadio Di Segni, organ score Tags: Amadio Di Segni, F minor, Italian rite, manuscript, manuscript score, minchà, Psalms, rito italiano, Roma, Rome, shabbat, tanakh, tehillim ואני תפלתי לך ה׳ [Wa-ani tefilati lekha Adonay] - N° 2 - E. Ventura - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Tags: Bass, choral music, hagbahah, Learned Jewish music repertoire, Leghorn, Livorno, manuscript, manuscript score, Mincà, minchà, Minchah, Minha, opening of the Ark, psalm, recording, rito spagnolo, sefer torah, shabat, shabbat, Soprano, tanach, tanakh, Tenor, torah, torah reading, toscana אשרי איש ירא את ה׳ [Ashre ish yare' et Adonai] - G. Pontecorboli - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Tags: Bass, choral music, Learned Jewish music repertoire, Leghorn, Livorno, manuscript, manuscript score, Mincà, minchà, Minchah, Minhah, psalm, rito spagnolo, shabat, shabbat, Soprano, Tenor, toscana Hallelu-yah odeh - Umberto Forti, Venezia Tags: cantillation, Mincà, minchà, Minchah, psalm, Psalms, reading, recording, rito spagnolo, shabat, shabbat, Venezia Repetition of the 'Amidah (Shabbat - Minchah) - Umberto Forti, Venezia Tags: amidah, beracha, berakha, Berakhah, Birkat-kohanim, kohanim, Mincà, minchà, Minchah, qedusha, qedushah, recording, rito spagnolo, shabat, shabbat, Venezia Mizmor Shir Leyom haShabbat (2) - Umberto Forti, Venezia Tags: cantillation, Mincà, minchà, Minchah, psalm, qabbalat shabbat, reading, recording, rito spagnolo, shabat, shabbat, Venezia Wa-ani tefilati (Opening of the Ark - Shabbat Minchah) - Umberto Forti, Venezia Tags: Mincà, minchà, Minchah, opening of the Ark, recording, rito spagnolo, sefer torah, shabat, shabbat, tanach, tanakh, torah, torah reading, Venezia U-va le-Tzion goel - Umberto Forti, Venezia Tags: cantillation, minchà, Minchah, Minha, Minhah, psalm, Psalms, reading, recording, shabat, shabbat, tanakh, Venezia Shabbat Minchah, Qorbanot - Umberto Forti, Venezia Tags: cantillation, minchà, Minchah, Minha, Minhah, psalm, Psalms, reading, recording, shabat, shabbat, tanakh, Venezia Featured Item Haggadah di Pesach / Passover Haggadah / הגדה של פסח according to the Italo-German rite in Gorizia - complete recording - Rabbi Elia Richetti