Browse Items (18 total) Tags: opening of the Ark Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Browse Map Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Opening of the Ark and hagbahah - Giacomo Farber, Gorizia Tags: hagbahah, levata di sefer, opening of the Ark, recording, sefer torah, shabat, shabbat En kamokha - Raul Elia, Ancona Tags: Ancona, opening of the Ark, opening of the Ark, recording, shabat, shabbat, torah, torah reading Eftach na sefatai - Raul Elia, Ancona Tags: Ancona, opening of the Ark, opening of the Ark, piyut, recording, shabat, shabbat, torah, torah reading ki shem - alto part; Enrico Rolland, Scuola Siciliana, Roma Tags: alto, choral music, Contralto, Learned Jewish music repertoire, manuscript score, opening of the Ark, Rome, scola siciliana, shabat ki shem - tenor part; Enrico Rolland, Scuola Siciliana, Roma Tags: choral music, Learned Jewish music repertoire, manuscript score, opening of the Ark, Rome, scola siciliana, shabat, Tenor, Tenore ki shem - tenore secondo part; Enrico Rolland, Scuola Siciliana, Roma Tags: choral music, Learned Jewish music repertoire, manuscript score, opening of the Ark, Rome, scola siciliana, shabat, Tenor, Tenore ki shem - tenore primo part; Enrico Rolland, Scuola Siciliana, Roma Tags: choral music, Learned Jewish music repertoire, manuscript score, opening of the Ark, Rome, scola siciliana, shabat, Tenor, Tenore ki shem - bass part; Enrico Rolland, Scuola Siciliana, Roma Tags: Bass, basso, choral music, Learned Jewish music repertoire, manuscript score, opening of the Ark, Rome, scola siciliana ki shem - complete score; Enrico Rolland, Scuola Siciliana, Roma Tags: Bass, choral music, Learned Jewish music repertoire, manuscript score, opening of the Ark, Rome, score, Tenor רוממו [Romemu] - Per soprani - M° E. Ventura - for soprano solo - manuscript score Tags: choral music, hagbahah, kabbalat shabbat, Learned Jewish music repertoire, Leghorn, levata di sefer, Livorno, manuscript, manuscript score, opening of the Ark, psalm, Psalms, qabbalat shabbat, rito spagnolo, shabat, shabbat, Shachrit, Soprano, Soprano solo, toscana Wa-ani tefilati (Opening of the Ark - Shabbat Minchah) - Umberto Forti, Venezia Tags: Mincà, minchà, Minchah, opening of the Ark, recording, rito spagnolo, sefer torah, shabat, shabbat, tanach, tanakh, torah, torah reading, Venezia אתה הראת [Atah hor'eta] per soprani di E. Ventura Tags: Choir, choral music, Ernesto Ventura, hagbahah, Learned Jewish music repertoire, learned music, Leghorn, manuscript, manuscript score, opening of the Ark, shabat, Soprano, toscana תנו כבוד [Tenu kavod]. -M° Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Tags: Bass, choral music, Learned Jewish music repertoire, learned music, Livorno, manuscript, manuscript score, opening of the Ark, pizmon, pizmonim, rito spagnolo, shavuot, Soprano, Tenor, toscana אפתח נא שפתי [Eftach na sefatai] - פזמון ליום א׳ של סוכות קודם הוצ׳ ס"ת [Pizmon le-yom ri'shon shel Sukkot qodem hotza'at Sefer Torah, song for the first day of Sukkot before the removal of the Sefer Torah from the Ark] - M. Bolaffi - for tenor, bass Tags: Bass, choral music, Learned Jewish music repertoire, learned music, Leghorn, Livorno, manuscript, manuscript score, opening of the Ark, pizmon, pizmonim, rito spagnolo, Succot, sukkot, Tenor, toscana תנו כבוד [Tenu kavod] - פזמון ליום א׳ של שבועות קודם ס"ת [Pizmon le-yom ri'shon shel Shavu‘ot qodem Sefer Torah, song for the first morning of Shavu'ot before the Sefer Torah] - La stessa musica si applica al ירד אל חי - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass Tags: Bass, choral music, Learned Jewish music repertoire, learned music, Livorno, manuscript, manuscript score, opening of the Ark, pizmon, pizmonim, rito spagnolo, sefer torah, shavuot, Soprano, Tenor, toscana Attà oreta - Ernesto Ventura - Coro Ventura - recording - Livorno Tags: Choir, choral music, Coro Ventura, Ernesto Ventura, Learned Jewish music repertoire, learned music, Leghorn, Livorno, opening of the Ark, recording, shabat, torah reading, toscana Atà Oreda - Contralti - Wolf Ferrari - Adagio - A major - Venezia - manuscript score Tags: Adagio, Atta' oreta, Cesare Wolf Ferrari, Contralto, hagbahah, manuscript, manuscript score, opening of the Ark, rito spagnolo, score, shabat, shabbat, torah reading, Venezia Suvà Limgnognah - Riduzione De Leon - choir and organ - A flat major - Venezia - manuscript score Tags: amidah, Choir, Girolamo de Leon, manuscript, manuscript score, opening of the Ark, Organ, Organo, rito spagnolo, sefer torah, shabat, shabbat, Venezia Featured Item Haggadah di Pesach / Passover Haggadah / הגדה של פסח according to the Italo-German rite in Gorizia - complete recording - Rabbi Elia Richetti