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- Tags: Benedizione sacerdotale
ברכת כהנים [Birkat Kohanim] - di Venezia, per le feste - Hazan, Coanim, Coro - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score
Tags: Bass, Benedizione sacerdotale, Birkat-kohanim, Chazzan, choral music, coanim, Coro, Hazzan, kohanim, Learned Jewish music repertoire, Leghorn, Livorno, manuscript, manuscript score, moa'dim, Moadim, Pesach, Priestly blessing, responsorial, rito spagnolo, shavuot, Soprano, sukkot, Tenor, toscana, Venice
Hebrew prayers on various Italian tunes and melodies, mostly from opera and the learned repertoire (barcarola, duetto, etc.) - manuscript score.
Tags: A. Guercia, Ashkivenu, Barcarola, Baruch, Be-tzet Yisra'el, Benedizione sacerdotale, Birkat-kohanim, Caddis, Cadisc, Corrado Federico, E. Liuzzi, G. Pontecorboli, Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, Imloch, Imloh, Imlok, Imlokh, kaddish, Lekah dodi, Marseilla, Marsiglia, Min ha-metzar, Pasquale Panzetta, Platania, qaddish, We-emunah kol zot, We-shameru, Yehi shalom
Benedizione sacerdotale solenne - Melodia tradizionale ebraica trascritta dal prof. Eugenio Coen Sacerdoti - Venezia - manuscript score
Tags: Benedizione, Benedizione dei Cohanim, Benedizione sacerdotale, beracha, berakha, Berakhah, Blessing, cantillation, choral music, coanim, cohanim, Eugenio Coen Sacerdoti, learned music, manuscript, manuscript score, Melodia tradizionale ebraica, reading, shabat, shabbat, Traditional Jewish tune