



Repertoire in use in Livorno


The growth of Livorno as a mercantile hub from the XVI century onwards transformed it an important cultural centre. Gradually, Livorno became the capital of the Italian Sephardic world, picking up the sceptre from Venice. Livorno's role as crossroads between Europe and the Mediterranean is explored by Edwin Seroussi here:
The repertoire recorded by Leo Levi from the voice of rabbis Roberto Menasci and Simone Sacerdoti, and in later years by Daniele Bedarida, is one of the main instances of the Western Sephardic ritual, used in “Spanish and Portoguese” synagogues throughout the globe.
The Jews of Livorno, like their brethren in the Italian peninsula, received full citizenship rights in the second half of the 19th century with the making of the unified Italian state. Direct manifestation of such socio-political phenomenon was the birth of learned Jewish liturgical repertoire especially since the organ - a typical "Christian" instrument - and mixed choirs were introduced into the synagogue service.
While formally sticking to Jewish orthodoxy, the Jews of Livorno introduced many of the liturgical changes springing from the northern European Jewish reform and progressive movement, including, as said, the organ and other forms of learned music into the synagogue. This repertoire included adaptations of traditional tunes (as in the case of Moisè and Ernesto Ventura) as well as new works, some of which borrowed from the north European Jewish communities (e.g., Sultzer, Lewandowsky, etc.), some others being commissioned to local composers (for example Michele Bolaffi, many of whose manuscripts scores until today not accessible by the general public can now be found in the OTJIM), not necessarily all of them Jewish, who brough the echoes the of classic and operatic style into the synagogue.

Some selected material:

Livorno - Shabbat (recordings)




Item Relations

Item: Shir hama'alot (samachti) . Michele Bolaffi, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Lekhah Dodi - Consolo, Livorno (n. 3) Is Part Of This Item
Item: Lekhah Dodi - Consolo, Livorno (n. 2) Is Part Of This Item
Item: Lekhah Dodi - Consolo, Livorno (n. 1) Is Part Of This Item
Item: Shir ha-ma'alot (samachti) - Michele Bolaffi - Coro Ventura - Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Halleluya (Ps. 150) - Michele Bolaffi - Coro Ventura - Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Rommemù - Michele Bolaffi - Coro Ventura - Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Ashkivenu - M. Penso - Coro Ventura - Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Mizmor le-Dawid (Ps. 29) - David Garzia - Coro Ventura - Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Salmo di Pesach - Psalm for Passover (Ps. 107) - Coro Ventura - recording - Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Salmo di Shavuoth - Psalm for Shavuot (Ps. 68) - Ernesto Ventura - Coro Ventura - recording - Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Salmo di Shemini Atzeret - Psalm for Shemini Atzeret (Ps. 12) - Ernesto Ventura - Coro Ventura - recording - Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Lekhà Dodi - Ernesto Ventura - Coro Ventura - recording - Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Attà oreta - Ernesto Ventura - Coro Ventura - recording - Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: wa-ani tefilati - Ernesto Ventura - Coro Ventura - recording - Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Yehallelu (Ps. 148) - Ernesto Ventura - Coro Ventura - recording - Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Ashkivenu - Ettore Lattes - Coro Ventura - recording - Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Reading of the Book of Esther - Roberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Reading of the Book of Job - Roberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Haftarah reading (not for Shabbat) - Roberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Haftarah reading - Roberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Torah reading (Parashat Re'eh) - Roberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Luach Zarqa - Roberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Berakhot for circumcision - Roberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Berukhim atem (for circumcision) - Roberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Shivte' (for circumcision) - Roberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Zekhor Brit Avotenu - Roberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Mikhtam leDavid - Roberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qedushah (02) - Roberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qedushah (01) - Roberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Tefillat hageshem - Roberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Adonai melekh - Roberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Akh zeh hayom qiwiti - Elio Toaff, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Fate onore al bel Purim - Elio Toaff, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Adon chasdekhah - Elio Toaff, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Es mizwah de conbidar - Elio Toaff, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Barekhu (for Purim) - Elio Toaff, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Wal viva, viva, nostro Burino - Elio Toaff, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Alevamos juntamente el gran Dio de Sion - Elio Toaff, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Ya se va la blanca niña - Elia Toaff, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Shicharti et devirekh - Elio Toaff, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: En estos dos dias de Purim - Elio Toaff, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qaddish for Purim - Elio Toaff, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: A mi me llamavan Haim Cilibi - Elio Toaff, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Sheva' berakhot - Elio Toaff, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qaddish (01) - Simone Sacerdoti, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qaddish (2) - Simone Sacerdoti, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qedushah - Simone Sacerdoti, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Tzadiq atah - Simone Sacerdoti, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: En keelohenu - Simone Sacerdoti, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Shicharti et devirekh - Simone Sacerdoti, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Hashkivenu - Simone Sacerdoti, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Yarad El Chai - Simone Sacerdoti, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Hallelu - Simone Sacerdoti, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Avarekhah - Simone Sacerdoti, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Haqafah: Tenu kavod - Simone Sacerdoti, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Haqafah: Ani el Elohim eqra - Simone Sacerdoti, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Introduction to Torah reading - Simone Sacerdoti, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Ashre ha'am and Gadelu ladonai itti - Simone Sacerdoti, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Hallelu (02) - Simone Sacerdoti, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Avarekha (2) - Simone Sacerdoti, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Hallelu (03) - Simone Sacerdoti, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qinah: Eli 'edati - Simone Sacerdoti, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qinah: Eleh ezkerah - Simone Sacerdoti, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Achot qetanah - Simone Sacerdoti, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Lamnatzeach 'al Ayelet Hashachar - Simone Sacerdoti, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Lamnatzeach livene qorach mizmor - Simone Sacerdoti, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Yigdal - Simone Sacerdoti, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Kol nidre - Umberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Shema' qoli - Umberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Hashkivenu - Umberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Ki bayom hazeh - Umberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Haneshamah lakh - Umberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Mishtachawim - Umberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: El Melekh Yoshev - Umberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Chai weqayiam - Umberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Yiru soneenu - Umberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: 'Et sha'are ratzon - Umberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Atanu lechalot - Umberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Ochilah lael - Umberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Repetition of the 'Amidah (Yom Kippur) - Umberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Mizmor le-Dawid del M° Maracce Is Part Of This Item
Item: Mizmor le-Dawid N° 3 di M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: Mizmor le-Dawid N° 1 di A. Basevi - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: Mizmor le-Dawid del M° Pensa - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: Mizmor le-Dawid N° 2 di A. Basevi - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: Mizmor le-Dawid N° 3 di A. Basevi - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: ה׳ צבאות עמנו [Adonay tzeva'ot 'imanu] - Per funerale - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: מזמור שיר ליום השבת [Mizmor shir le-yom ha-shabbat] N° 1 di M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: מזמור שיר ליום השבת [Mizmor shir le-yom ha-shabbat] N° 2 di M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: מזמור שיר ליום השבת [Mizmor shir le-yom ha-shabbat] - Di Venezia - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: מזמור שיר ליום השבת [Mizmor shir le-yom ha-shabbat] - M° Penso - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: ה׳ מלך [Hashem malakh] - N° 1 - M° Castelnovo - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: ה׳ מלך [Hashem malakh] - N° 1 di M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: ברכי נפשי [Barkhi nafshi] - מזמור לשבת ור“ח di A. Basevi - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: ברכי נפשי [Barkhi nafshi] - מזמור לשבת יר“ח di M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: על נהרות בבל [‘Al naharot bavel] - N° 1 di M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: שמעו זאת [Shim‘u zot] - Salmo per funerale di M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: בצאת ישראל [Be-tze't Yisra'el] - Per Pesach di M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: שיר המעלות שמחתי [Shir ha-ma‘lot samachti] di M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: אך טוב וחסד [Akh tov wa-chesed] di M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: הלל: הללו את ה׳ [Hallel: Hallelu et Adonay] - M° Penso - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: מן המצר [Min ha-metzar] del M° Penso - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: לא אמות [Lo' amut] del M° Penso - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: אנא [Ana'] del M° Penso for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ברוך הבא [Barukh ha-ba'] del M° Penso for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: למנצח על נגינת [Lamnatzeach ‘al neghinat] - Festa dello Statuto, M° Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: הנותן [Ha-noten] - Per lo Statuto - M° Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: הללויה [Halleu-yah] - Per lo Statuto - M° Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: יהללו [Yehalelu] - M° Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: לכה דודי [Lekhah dodi] - M° Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: ואני תפלתי [We-ani tefilati] - Per soprani - E. Ventura - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: הללויה הללו אל בקדשו [Hallelu-yah hallelu El be-qodsho] - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: רוממו [Romemu] - N° 2 - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: השכיבנו [Hashkivenu] - N° 1 - M° Penso - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: מזמור לדוד [Mizmor le-Dawid] - N° 3 per le feste di D. Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: לכה דודי [Lekhah dodi] - Per Soprani - E. Ventura - for soprano solo - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אתה הראת [Atah hor'eta] per soprani di E. Ventura Is Part Of This Item
Item: אתה הראת [Atah hor'eta] - N° 2 - Di Venezia per le feste- for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: יהללו [Yehalelu] per ragazzi di Ernesto Ventura Is Part Of This Item
Item: ימלוך [Yimlokh] per il Sabato mattina e per le feste - M° Bolaffi for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: צדקתך [Tzidqatekha] - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: הללויה אודה [Hallelu-yah odeh] - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: הללויה אודה [Hallelu-yah odeh] - M° Penso - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: לכה דודי [Lekhah dodi] - N° 3 - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: לכה דודי [Lekhah dodi] - N°1 - M° Penso - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: לכה דודי [Lekhah dodi] - M° Nunes Franco - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: שירו לאל [Shiru la-el] - פזמון לשבת וראש חודש [Pizmon le-shabbat we-rosh chodesh] - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: שירו לאל [Shiru la-el] - פזמון לשבת וראש חודש [Pizmon le-shabbat we-rosh chodesh] - M° Nunes Franco - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אודה עתה וכו׳ [Odeh ‘ata] - פזמון לשבת הגדול [Pizmon la-shabbat ha-gadol] - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: אל שוכן שמים [El shokhen shamaim] - פזמון לפסח [Pizmon le-Pesach] - Michele Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: שחרתי את דבירך [Shicharti et devirekh] – פזמון למנחה לפסח לסוכות ולשמ׳ עצרת [Pizmon le-Mincha le-Pesach le-Sukkot u-le-Shmini ‘Atzeret] - N° 1 - Michele Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: שחרתי את דבירך [shicharti et devirekh] - פזמון למנחה לפסח לסוכות ולשמ׳ עצרת [Pizmon le-Mincha le-Pesach le-Sukkot u-le-Shmini ‘Atzeret] - N° 2 - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ימלא אז [Yimale' az] - פזמון ליל ב׳ של פסח [Pizmon leil bet shel Pesach, song for the second night of Passover] - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: צורי הלא בקעת [Tzuri ha-lo' baqa‘ta] - פזמון ליל שביעי של פסח [Pizmon leil shvi‘i shel Pesach, song for the seventh night of Passover] - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: ירום ונשא [Yarum we-nisa'] - פזמון ליל שמיני של פסח [Pizmon leil shmini shel Pesach, song for the eighth night of Passover] - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: תזכו לשנים רבות [Tizku le-shanim rabot] - פזמון אחר קדיש למנחה ליום האחרון לג׳ רגלים [Pizmon achar qaddish le-minchah la-yom ha-acharon le-shalosh regalim, song after qaddish on minchah of the last day of the Three Festivals] - M° Nunes Franco - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: יום נגלה [Yom niglah] - פזמון ליל א׳ של שבועות [Pizmon leil ri'shon shel Shavu‘ot, song for the first night of Shavu'ot] - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: תנו כבוד [Tenu kavod] - פזמון ליום א׳ של שבועות קודם ס"ת [Pizmon le-yom ri'shon shel Shavu‘ot qodem Sefer Torah, song for the first morning of Shavu'ot before the Sefer Torah] - La stessa musica si applica al ירד אל חי - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: יה אלי [Yah Eli] - for the second night of Shavu'ot - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, hazan, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: בי אל דבר [Bi el dibber] - פזמון למנחה ליום א׳ של שבועות [Pizmon le-mincha le-yom ri'shon shel shavu‘ot, song for minchah on the first day of Shavu'ot] - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: נחמו נחמו עמי [Nachamu nachamu ‘ami] - פזמון לשבת נחמו [Pizmon le-shabbat nachamu, song for Shabbat nachamu] - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: אפתח נא שפתי [Eftach na sefatai] - פזמון ליום א׳ של סוכות קודם הוצ׳ ס"ת [Pizmon le-yom ri'shon shel Sukkot qodem hotza'at Sefer Torah, song for the first day of Sukkot before the removal of the Sefer Torah from the Ark] - M. Bolaffi - for tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: רוממו [Romemu] - Per soprani - E. Ventura - for soprano solo - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: וזאת התורה [We-zo't Ha-Torah] - N° 1 - Di Venezia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ברכת כהנים [Birkat Kohanim] - di Venezia, per le feste - Hazan, Coanim, Coro - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: וזאת התורה [We-zo't Ha-Torah] - N° 2 - Di Venezia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: הנותן [Ha-noten, prayer for the King] - Nunes Franco - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: הלל – הללו [Hallel - Hallelu] - M° Nunes Franco - for solo, soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אנא [Halel - Ana] - E. Nunes Franco, for solo, soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ברוך הבא [Halel - Barukh ha-ba] - E. Nunes Franco, for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: הלל [Hallel - Hallelu] - D. Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: מן המצר [Halel - Min ha-metzar] - D. Garzia, for soprano solo - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: לא אמות [Halel - Lo amut] - D. Garzia, for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אנא [Halel - Ana] - David Garzia, for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ברוך הבא [Halel - Barukh ha-ba] - D. Garzia, for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: מן המצר [Halel - Min ha-metzar] - Per soprani - N° 2 - M° Garzia - for soprano solo - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: הלל [Hallel - hallelu] - D. Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: מן המצר [Halel - Min ha-metzar] - D. Garzia, for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: לא אמות [Halel - Lo' amut] - D. Garzia, for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אודך [Halel - Odekha] - D. Garzia, for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אנא [Hallel - Ana] - D. Garzia, for solo - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ברוך הבא [Halel - Barukh ha-ba] - D. Garzia for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: השכיבנו [Hashkivenu] - N° 2, per le feste - Per soprani - Di E. Ventura -manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: מזמור לדוד [Mizmor le-Dawid] - G. M. Pontecorboli - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אתה הראת [Atah hor'eta] - G. Pontecorboli - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ברוך המקום [Barukh Ha-Maqom] - E. Ventura - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: רוממו [Romemu] - G. Pontecorboli - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אשרי איש ירא את ה׳ [Ashre ish yare' et Adonai] - G. Pontecorboli - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: וזאת התורה [We-zo't Ha-Torah] - E. Ventura - Hazan solo e Coro - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ברוך המקום [Barukh Ha-Maqom] - E. Ventura - Solo e Coro - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אשרי העם [Ashre ha-‘am] - E. Ventura - for Hazan solo, soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: שיר המעלות ממעמקים [Shir ha-ma‘alot mi-ma‘amaqim] - Felice Coèn - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: למנצח על נגינת [Lamnatzeach ‘al neghinat] - Salmo 61, per lo Statuto - Felice Coèn - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: למנצח על נגינת [Lamnatzeach ‘al neghinat] - Per Soprani - salmo 61, per lo Statuto - M° Soffredini - for soprano solo - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: הללויה [Hallelu-yah] - Per Soprani - M° Soffredini - for soprano solo - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: מזמור לדוד [Mizmor le-Dawid] - N° 2 per le feste - Parigi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ה׳ בעזך [Adonai be-‘ozekha] - Salmo 21 - M° Luigi Niccolini - for tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: הנותן [Ha-noten] - Benedizione ai Principi - M° Luigi Niccolini - for tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: מי שברך [Mi she-berakh] - M° Luigi Niccolini - for tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: תהלת ה׳ ידבר פי [Tehillat Adonay yedaber pi] - Parigi - for soprano, alto, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: הללו את ה׳ כל גוים [Hallelu et Adonay kol goyim] - Parigi - for tenor solo - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אנא הלך דודי [Ana' halakh dodi] - פזמון ליל ב׳ של סוכות [Pizmon leil sheni shel Sukkot, song for the second night of Sukkot] - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ירום ויתעלה [Yarum we-yit‘aleh] - פזמון לש׳ע קודם הצאת ס"ת [Pizmon le-Shemini Atzeret qodem hotza'at Sefer Torah - song for Shemini Atzeret before extracting the Sefer Torah] - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: מן המצר [Min ha-metzar] - Parigi - for soprano, alto, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אתאנו [Ata'nu] - Invocazione a Dio - Parigi - for soprano, alto, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: הודו לה׳ קראו בשמו [Hodu l-Adonay qir'u bi-shmo] - Parigi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ימלוך [Yimlokh] - Parigi, per le feste - for soprano, alto, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: עזרך אל מקודש [‘Ezrekha El mi-qodesh] - M. Cologna - for soprano, alto, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: שירה חדשה [Shirah chadashah] - Parigi, per le feste - for soprano, alto, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ועל כלם [We-‘al kulam] - Parigi, per le feste - for soprano, alto, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אלהינו [Elohenu], Benedizione al Popolo - Parigi - for soprano solo - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אדון עולם [Adon ‘olam] - Parigi - for soprano, alto, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אדון עולם [Adon ‘olam] - Venezia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: מפי אל מפי אל [Mipi El mipi El] - Venezia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: לכה דודי [Lekhah dodi] - Per Soprani - di T. Toledano - for soprano solo - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ראו בנים [Ra'u banim] - Per Pasqua - E. Ventura - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: קומו בני עמי [Qumu bene ‘ami] - Inno scritto dal Rabbino G. Cammeo, e musicato dal M° E. Ventura, per l'anniversario del 25° anno della inaugurazione del Tempio di Modena - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ואני תפלתי לך ה׳ [Wa-ani tefilati lekha Adonay] - N° 2 - E. Ventura - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: רוממו [Romemu] - Per soprani - M° E. Ventura - for soprano solo - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: השכיבנו [Hashkivenu] - N° 3 - Per Soprani - E. Ventura - for soprano solo - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: יהא שמיה רבה, ואני תפלתי [Yehe' shemeh raba' , wa-ani tefillati] - Per Soprani - M° E. Ventura - for soprano solo - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: לא אמות [Lo' amut] - Per Basso - M° E. Ventura - for bass solo - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: להוד חתן [Lehod chatan] - פזמון לליל שמחת תורה ושב׳ בראשית [Pizmon le-leil Simchat Torah we-shabbat bere'shit - song for the night of Simchat Torah and for Shabbat Bereshit] - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: הנותן לנו תשועה [Ha-noten lanu tshu‘ah] - פזמון לשבת ראשון של חנוכה [Pizmon le-shabbat ri'shon shel Chanukkah - song for the first Shabbat of chanukkah] - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: השכיבנו [Hashkivenu] - N. 2 -del M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: שירו לה׳ [Shiru l-Adonay] - Chippùr - del M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אודה אל שדי [Odeh el shadai] - פזמון לש׳ שירה [Pizmon le-Shabbat Shirah, song for Shabbat Shirah] - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: במה אקדם [Bamah aqadem] - פזמון לשבת יתרו [Pizmon le-shabbat yitro, Song for Shabbat Yitro] - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אל צורנו [El tzurenu] - פזמון לשב׳ זכרון רעשים [Pizmon le-shabbat zikharon ra‘ashim, Song for Shabbat on the anniversary of the erthquakes] - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: יגדל ה׳ אל [Yigdal Adonay El] - פזמון לשבת זכרון רעשי׳ קודם הוצ׳ ס"ת - [Pizmon le-shabbat zikharon ra‘ashim qodem hotza'at Sefer Torah, Song for Shabbat before the removal of the Sefer Torah from the Ark, on the anniversary of the earthquakes] - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אנא אלי [Ana' Eli] - פזמון לשבת שקלים [Pizmon le-Shabbat Sheqalim, song for Shabbat Sheqalim] - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אדרוש אליך אלי [Edrosh Elekha Eli] - פזמון לשבת זכור [Pizmon le-Shabbat Zakhor, song for Shabbat Zakhor] - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: יקבוז מפוזר [Yiqboz mefuzar] - פזמון לשבת זכור קודם מי כמוך וליום א׳ של פורים [Pizmon le-Shabbat Zakhor qodem mi kamokha u-le-yom ri'shon shel Purim, song for Shabbat zakhor before mi khamokha and for the first day of Purim] - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass Is Part Of This Item
Item: אודה שמך ה׳ [Odeh shimkha Adonay] - פזמון לשבת זכור קודם מי כמוך [Pizmon le-Shabbat Zakhor qodem mi kamokha, song for Shabbat Zakhor before mi khamokha] - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: מי כמוך [Mi khamokha] - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: בטחו [Bitchu] - פזמון לשבת פרה [Pizmon le-Shabbat Parah, song for Shabbat Parah] - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: שאו זמרה [Se'u zimrah] - פזמון לשבת החדש [Pizmon le-Shabbat Ha-Chodesh, song for Shabbat Ha-Chodesh] - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: יהי שלום [Yehi Shalom] - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: יהי שלום [Yehi Shalom] - M. Castelnovo - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: יגדל [Yigdal] n. 1 - La presente musica si applica all'Ahzè Ajom Chiviti (this music applies also to Akh zeh hayom qiwiti)- M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: יגדל [Yigdal] - N° 2 - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: יגדל [Yigdal] - N° 3 - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: יגדל [Yigdal] - N° 4 - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: מן המצר [Min ha-metzar] - M° Nunes Franco - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: קדיש [Qaddish; includes barekhu] - N. 1 - M. Bolaffi - for solo, coro - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: קדיש [Qaddish; for the festivals] - N. 2 - M. Bolaffi - for solo, coro - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: קדיש [Qaddish: includes barekhu] - N. 3 - M. Bolaffi - for solo, coro - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: קדיש [Qaddish; includes barekhu] - M° Castelnovo - for solo, coro - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: קדיש [Qaddish; for the festivals, includes barekhu] - M° Felice Coen - for solo, coro - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: קדיש [Qaddish; for the festivals, includes barekhu] - Moisè Ventura - for solo, coro - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: קדיש [Qaddish; for the festivals, includes barekhu] - N. 1 - D. Garzia - for solo, coro - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: קדיש [Qaddish; for the festivals, includes barekhu] - N. 2 - M° Garzia - for solo, coro - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ה׳ אלהיכם אמת [Adonai Elohekhem emet] - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ואת רודפיהם [We-'et rodfehem] -M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ראו בנים [Ra'u vanim] - M° Nunes Franco - Terzetto fra tenore, baritono e basso - for tenor, baritone, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ואת רודפיהם [We-'et rodefehem] -M° Castelnovo - Terzetto fra baritono, tenore e basso - for tenor, baritone, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ראו בנים [Ra'u banim] - N. 1 - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ראו בנים [Ra'u banim] - N.3 - M. Bolaffi - Terzetto - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ראו בנים [Ra'u Banim] - N. 4 - M° Bolaffi - Terzetto - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: השכיבנו [Hashkivenu] - N. 1 - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: השכיבנו [Hashkivenu] - A. Basevi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: השכיבנו [Hashkivenu] - N° 3 - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: השכיבנו [Hashkivenu] - N° 4 - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ושמרו [We-shamru per venerdì sera festivo, for festival day Friday night] - M° Penso - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ושמרו [We-shamru per venerdì sera festivo, for festival day Friday night] - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: נקדישך [Naqdishakh] - M° Bolaffi - for solo - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: נקדישך [Naqdishakh] - M. Ventura - for solo - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אלהינו [Eloheinu - birkat kohanim] - N° 1 - M° Bolaffi - for solo, coro - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אלהינו [Eloheinu - birkat kohanim] - N° 2 - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אתה הראת [Atah hor'eta] - M° Castelnovo - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אתה הראת [Atah hor'eta] - M° Penso - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: רממו [Romemu] - M° Nunes Franco - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: מארבע כנפות [Me-arba‘ kanfot, for the announcement of Rosh Chodesh Adar] - M. Bolaffi - for tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: הנותן [Ha-noten, prayer for the king] - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: כתר [Keter] - N° 2, per le feste (for festival days) - M. Bolaffi - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: כתר [Keter] - N° 1, per le feste (for festivals) - M. Bolaffi - for solo - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: יהללו [Yehalelu] - del figlio del M° Bolaffi - for tenor, soprano, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: תנו כבוד [Tenu kavod]. -M° Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: מזמור שיר ליום השבת [Mizmor shir le-yom ha-shabbat] - M° Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: יהי שלום [Yehi shalom] - M° Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: מדמור לדוד [Mizmor le-Dawid] - Ernesto Ventura - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ואני [Wa-ani] - M° Pratesi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ראו בנים [Ra'u vanim] n. 1 per le sere di festa - M° Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass, three-voice choir - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ראו בנים [Ra'u vanim] - n. 2 per le sere di festa - M° Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: השכיבנו [Hashkivenu] - N° 2 per le sere di festa; M° Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ושמרו [We-shamru] - Recitativo Libitum, pei Venerdì sera festivi; M° Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: Recitativo per i salmi - D. Garzia, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: יגדל [Yigdal] per le sere di Festa; M° Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: הללויה אודה [Hallelu-yah odeh] - M° Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ארוממך האל [Aromimkha ha-El] - פזמון של חנוכה [Pizmon shel Chanukkah]; David Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אין כאלהינו [En ke-Elohenu] - N° 1 per i Sabati di Omer [for Shabbat during the Omer] - D. Garzia - Per Soprani. Primi e Secondi - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אין כאלהינו [En ke-Elohenu] - N° 2 - for Shabbat during the 'Omer - Per Soprani - D. Garzia - for sopranos solo - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אין כאלהינו [En ke-Elohenu] - N° 3 - for Shabbat during the 'Omer - Per Soprani - M° Garzia - for sopranos solo - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אין כאלהינו [En ke-Elohenu] - N° 4 - for Shabbat during the 'Omer -Per Soprani - M° Garzia - for sopranos solo - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אין כאלהינו [En ke-Elohenu] - N° 5 - for Shabbat during the 'Omer - Per Soprani - M° Garzia - for sopranos solo - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אין כאלהינו [En ke-Elohenu] - N° 6 - for Shabbat during the 'Omer - Per Soprani - M° Garzia - for sopranos solo - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אני אל אלהים אקרא [Ani El Elohim Eqra'] - M° Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: מהר עמי [Maher ‘ami] - M° Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: בי אל דבר [Bi el dibber] - M° Garzia - for the first day of Shavuot - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ירד אל חי [Yarad el khai] - M° Garzia - for the second day of Shavuot - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: מזמור אשרי כל ירא [Mizmor ashre kol yere'] - M° Garzia - per milà - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ואני תפלתי [Wa-ani tefilati] - Per Soprani - G. Pontecorboli di Marsilia - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ומבדיל [U-mabdil] - ובהם [U-bahem] - Per Soprani - E. Ventura - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: יהללו [Yehalelu] - E. Ventura - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: יהא שמיה רבא [Yehe' shemah raba'] - Per Soprani - E. Ventura - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: השכיבנו [Hashkivenu] - Per Soprani - E. Ventura - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: מזמור לדוד [Mizmor le-Dawid] - N° 1 - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: מזמור לדוד [Mizmor le-Dawid] - N° 2 - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: מזמור לדוד [Mizmor le-Dawid] - N° 4 - M° Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: מזמור לדוד [Mizmor le-Dawid] - Pontecorboli di Pisa - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: מזמור לדוד [Mizmor le-Dawid] - Di Parigi - M° Naumbourg - for soprano, tenor, bass -manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: מזמור לדוד [Mizmor le-Dawid] - Motivo obbligato - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: מזמור לדוד [Mizmor le-Dawid] - A 4 Voci - Di Venezia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: מזמוד לדוד [Mizmor le-Dawid] - Corifei - M° Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: לכה דודי [Lekhah dodi] - N° 2 - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: לכה דודי [Lekhah dodi] - N° 1 _ M° Garzia - per le feste - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: לכה דודי [Lekhah dodi] - A 4 Voci - Di Venezia - per le feste - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: טוב להודות [Tov lehodot] - Per Soprani e Bassi - Di Venezia - for soprano, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ה׳ מלך [Adonay malakh] - A 4 voci - Di Venezia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: למנצח על הגתית לאסף [Lamnatzeach ‘al ha-gitit le-'asaf] - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: שירו לה׳ [Shiru l'-Adonay] - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: למנצח משכיל לבני קרח [Lamnatzeach maskil li-vnei qorach] - Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: למנצח על השמינית [Lamnatzeach ‘al ha-sheminit] - Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: שיר המעלות לדוד שמחתי [Shir ha-ma‘alot le-dawid samachti] - Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: הודו [Hodu] - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: הודו [Hodu] - M° Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: למנצח לדוד מזמור שיר [Lamnatzeach le-Dawid mizmor shir] - M° Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: למנצח לדוד מזמור שיר [Lamnatzeach le-Dawid mizmor shir] - Di Venezia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: לכה דודי [Lekhah dodi] - Di Venezia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: יהא שמיה רבא [Yehe' shemeh raba'] - N° 1 - Di Venezia - per il Venerdì sera - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: יהא שמיה רבא [Yehe' shemeh raba'] - N° 2 - Di Venezia - per il Sabato mattina - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ברכו [Barekhu] - Di Venezia - per il Venerdì sera - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: שמע ישראל [Shema‘ Yisra'el] - Di Venezia - per le feste - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ראו בנים [Ra'u banim] - Di Parigi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אמת ואמונה [Emet we-'emunah] - per Simhat Torà - M° Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ראו בנים [Ra'u banim] - M° Garzia - per le feste - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ראו בנים [Ra'u banim] - Di Venezia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: השכיבנו [Hashkivenu] - N° 2 - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: השכיבנו [Hashkivenu] - N° 5 per le feste - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: השכיבנו [Hashkivenu] - N° 1 per le feste- M° Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: השכיבנו [Hashkivenu] - N° 2 per le feste - M° Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אלה מועדי [Eleh mo‘ade] - M° Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ויכלו [Wa-yikhulu] - Di Venezia per i venerdì sera festivi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: עלינו [Alenu] - N° 1 - Di Venezia per il Sabato festivo - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: עלינו [Alenu] - N° 2 - Di Venezia per le feste - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: יגדל [Yigdal] - M° Bolaffi per le feste - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: יגדל [Yigdal] - N° 1 - Di Venezia, per le feste - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: יגדל [Yigdal] - N° 2 - Di Venezia, per le feste - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ועלו מושיעים [We-‘alu moshi‘im] - M° Bolaffi, per le feste - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: המשיח [Ha-Mesiach] - M° Bolaffi, per le feste - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: שועת עניים [Shaw‘at ‘aniyim] - M° Bolaffi, per le feste - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: שמחים [Smechim] - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ויום השביעי [We-yom ha-shvi‘i] - M° Bolaffi, per le feste - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ולך לבדך [U-lekha levadekha] - Di Venezia, per le feste - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: בפי ישרים [Befi yesharim] - Di Venezia, per le feste - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ובכן ישתבח [U-vkhen yishtabach] - Di Venezia per le feste - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: נקדישך [Naqdishakh] - per le feste N° 2 - Di Venezia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: נקדישך [Naqdishakh] - Per le feste, N°1 a 4 Voci - Di Venezia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: הלל – הללו [Hallel - Hallelu] - N° 1 - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: הודו [Hallel - Hodu] - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: מן המצר [Hallel - Min ha-metzar] - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: הלל [Hallel] - per le feste - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: לא אמות [Lo' amut] - Michele Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אודך [Odekha] - Michele Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אנא [Hallel - Ana'] - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ברוך הבא [Hallel - Barukh ha-ba'] N. 1 - M. Bolaffi for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ברוך הבא [Hallel - Barukh ha-ba'] N° 2 - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: הלל – הללו [Hallel N° 2 - Hallelu] , pel Sabato Rosc Hodesc - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: הודו [Hallel N° 2 - Hodu], pel Sabato Rosc Hodesc - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: מן המצר [Hallel N° 2 - Min ha-metzar], pel Sabato Rosc Hodesc - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: לא אמות [Hallel N° 2 - Lo Amut], pel Sabato Rosc Hodesc - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: הלל – הודו [Hallel - Hodu] - Parigi per le feste- J.F.F.E. Halevy - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: מן המצר [Hallel - Min ha-metzar] - Parigi, per le feste - J.F.F.E. Halévy, for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אנא [Hallel - Ana'] Parigi, per le feste - J.F.F.E. Halévy, for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אתה הראת [Atah hor'eta] - D. Garzia, per le feste - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אתה הראת [Atah hor'eta] - N° 1 - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אתה הראת [Atah hor'eta] - N° 2 - M Bolaffi, per le feste - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: הלל [Hallel] N° 2, pel Sabato Rosc Hodesc - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: הלל [Hallel] - Parigi, per le feste- J.F.F.E. Halevy - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: יהי [Yehi] - Succedendo la Pasqua di giorno feriale si incomincia da Jei - M. Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אתה הראת [Atah hor'eta] - M° Garzia, pel Sabato mattina n. 2 - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אתה הראת [Atah hor'eta] - N° 1 - Di Venezia pel Sabato mattina - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: רוממו [Romemu] - M° Garzia pel Sabato mattina - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: רוממו [Romemu] - N° 2 per le feste - M° Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: רוממו [Romemu] - N° 3 per le feste - M° Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: רוממו [Romemu] - N° 1 pel Sabato mattina- M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: רוממו [Romemu] - N° 1 pel Sabato mattina- Di Venezia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: רוממו [Romemu] - N° 2 per le Feste - Di Venezia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: כתר [Keter] - Per le Feste, Di Venezia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: וערבה [We-‘arvah] - Per le feste, M° Nunes Franco - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: וערבה [We-‘arvah] - Per le feste, M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ואני תפלתי [Wa-ani tefilati] - Per le feste, M° Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ואני תפלתי [Wa-ani tefilati] - Per le feste, M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ואני תפלתי [Wa-ani tefilati] - Per le feste, M° Castelnovo - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ואני תפלתי [Wa-ani tefilati] - Parigi - E. Jonas - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אל ארך אפים [El erekh apaim] - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: יהללו [Yehalelu] - Pel Sabato a Minha, M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: יהללו [Yehalelu] - Di Venezia, pel Sabato a Minha - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: מזמור שיר חנוכת [Mizmor shir chanukat] - Venerdì sera di Hanuca, M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ומבדיל [U-mabdil] - Per la Pasqua - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ומבדיל [U-mabdil] - Pel venerdì sera - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ומבדיל [U-mabdil] - Per Ròsc Asciannà e Chipùr - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: מן המצר [Min ha-metzar] - Per Simhàt Torà [calling the chatanim to the bimah] - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: לך לשלום [Lekh le-shalom] - Per Simhat Torà [saluting the chatanim as they descend from the bimah] - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: למנצח על אילת השחר [Lamnatzeach ‘al ayelet ha-shachar] - Purìm - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: ה׳ צבאות עמנו [Adonay tzeva'ot ‘imanu] - Purim - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: אך זה היום קויתי [Akh zeh ha-yom qiwiti] - M° Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: פורים פורים לנו [Purim purim lanu] - M° Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: תזכו [Tizku] - Per Purìm - M° Bolaffi - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: מארבע כנפות הארץ [Me-'arba‘ kanfot ha-'aretz] - Nunes Franco - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: Teromem bat ramah - Daniele Bedarida, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Teromem bat ramah - Roberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: En ke-elohenu (01) - Roberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: En ke-elohenu (02) - Roberto Menasci, Livorno

Is Part Of This Item
Item: En ke-elohenu (03) - Roberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: En ke-elohenu (04) - Roberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Achot qetanah - Roberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Chon Tachon (2nd night of Rosh Hashanah) - Roberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: El nora 'alilah - Roberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qedushah for Yom Kippur - Roberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Haqafah: Matai - Roberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Haqafah: Teromem bat - Roberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Haqafah: Ani el Elohim eqra - Roberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Haqafah: Qol mevaser - Roberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Berakhah per il Re d'Italia - Roberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Wedding piyut and following Qaddish - Roberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Shuvah lim'onakh - Roberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: Yarad el chai - Roberto Menasci, Livorno Is Part Of This Item
Item: הלל [Hallel] - per le feste - E. Nunes Franco - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: הלל [Hallel] - per le feste n. 31, D. Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: הלל [Hallel] - per le feste n. 32, D. Garzia - for soprano, tenor, bass - manuscript score Is Part Of This Item
Item: Yigdal - Ezechia Mestre, Genova Is Part Of This Item
Item: Shema' Israel - Ezechia Mestre, Genova Is Part Of This Item
Item: Adon 'Olam - Ezechia Mestre, Genova Is Part Of This Item
Item: Haqafah: Qol mevaser - Ezechia Mestre, Genova Is Part Of This Item
Item: Haqafah: Shuvah lim'onakh - Ezechia Mestre, Genova Is Part Of This Item
Item: Sheva' berakhot (01) - Ezechia Mestre, Genova Is Part Of This Item
Item: Sheva' berakhot (02) - Ezechia Mestre, Genova Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qaddish - Ezechia Mestre, Genova Is Part Of This Item
Item: Selichah: Ben adam - Fernando Procaccia, Genova Is Part Of This Item
Item: Selichah: Ana ke'av - Fernando Procaccia, Genova Is Part Of This Item
Item: Selichah: Elohim atah yada'ta - Fernando Procaccia, Genova Is Part Of This Item
Item: Selichah: Lemitwadeh (01) - Fernando Procaccia, Genova Is Part Of This Item
Item: Selichah: Lemitwadeh (02) - Fernando Procaccia, Genova Is Part Of This Item
Item: Selichah: Elekha adonai - Fernando Procaccia, Genova Is Part Of This Item
Item: Selichah: Avinu malkenu - Fernando Procaccia, Genova Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qinah: Shim'u wehaazinu - Fernando Procaccia, Genova Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qaddish and Barekhu for festival days - Fernando Procaccia, Genova Is Part Of This Item
Item: Hashkivenu - Fernando Procaccia, Genova Is Part Of This Item
Item: Rau banim (01) - Fernando Procaccia, Genova Is Part Of This Item
Item: 'Alenu leshabeach and Yigdal (festival days) - Fernando Procaccia, Genova Is Part Of This Item
Item: Rau banim (02) - Fernando Procaccia, Genova Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qedushah (01) - Fernando Procaccia, Genova Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qedushah (02) - Fernando Procaccia, Genova Is Part Of This Item
Item: Qedushah (03) - Fernando Procaccia, Genova Is Part Of This Item


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EF, “Livorno,” Thesaurus of Jewish-Italian Liturgical Music, accessed July 27, 2024,