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Rabbi Elia Richetti's lecture on Jewish music: "Nel nome di Yuval - La hazanut (pratica cantoriale) italiana e il suo rapporto con il minhag" - 22 June 2014 (In the name of Yuval - Italian hazzanut and its ties with the minhag)

The talk was given at Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi, Venice, as part of the conference, "Genesi, storia e sviluppo della tradizione musicale ebraica in Italia" that took place at Fondazione Levi, Venice, on 22 June 2014.Programme and conference schedule…

Seroussi, In search of antiquity (article)

Seroussi, Edwin. “In Search of Jewish Musical Antiquity in the 18th-Century Venetian Ghetto: Reconsidering the Hebrew Melodies in Benedetto Marcello's ‘Estro Poetico-Armonico.’” The Jewish Quarterly Review, vol. 93, no. 1/2, 2002, pp. 149–199. JSTOR,…


Venezia Scuola Spagnola
Some selected material:Venezia Scuola Spagnola - Shabbat Venezia Scuola Spagnola - Rosh Hashanah Venezia Scuola Spagnola - Yom KippurVenezia Scuola Spagnola - Passover see an unsorted list of all the material below the map, or use the search page…


Verona sinagoga tedesca
Some selected material: Verona - Shabbat Verona -Yom KippurVerona - Rosh HashanahVerona - Passoversee an unsorted list of all the material below the map, or use the search page to look for specific material.
